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The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics- resources to achieve a healthy lifestyle; answers food and nutrition questions, provides accurate and objective food and nutrition information for consumers, and health professionals.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention- CDC's division of nutrition and physical activity; promotes the health benefits of daily physical activity

Cooking for Fun and Health at Home- suggestions for how to lower the fat and calories in meals and snacks.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015- The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are the cornerstone of federal nutrition policy and nutrition education activities. They are jointly issued by USDA and DHHS and updated every 5 years.

For Kids ! Eat Smart.Play Hard.- Connects kids to healthy eating and physical activity experiences within the community

Healthy Eating on a Budget- from the USDA's

Healthy People 2020 - outlines steps for a healthier you!

For Kids! for children over the age of 5 games, and lessons on healthy eating. easy, online access to government information on food and human nutrition for consumers.

USDA Food and Nutrition Information Center- a leader in food and human nutrition information dissemination since 1971. Provides credible, accurate, and practical resources for nutrition and health professionals, educators, government personnel and consumers.